Monthly Archives: June 2013

Proverbs Condensed


Recently I preached a series on Proverbs.  The last Sunday I condensed the book of Proverbs.  Some have asked for it, here tis.  

Chapter 1

Wisdom from Solomon, my son embrace wisdom and avoid evil people.  Wisdom says, listen to me to avoid suffering, listen to me and you will be safe.

Chapter 2

Seek hard after wisdom and you will find God, he will guide and protect you and keep you from awful sin and heartache. 

Chapter 3

There is tremendous blessing to those who follow the will of God.  Wisdom in any area of your life produces blessing in that area. 

Chapter 4

Whatever you seek or pursue, whatever you obtain above all get wisdom!

Son, Hold tightly to my instruction and avoid evil at all cost. 

Chapter 5

My Son, listen to what I say about the dangers of immorality.  Don’t be deceived by forbidden women.  Her feet will lead you to death.

Rejoice only in your own wife!

Chapter 6

Avoid co-signing a loan for someone else, Avoid debt.  Work hard and if you need an illustration look at the ant it will teach you how not to be lazy.

Chapter 7

I have seen many men be destroyed by an adulterous affair.  The promised pleasure of those affairs are not worth it.  Do not let your eyes or heart be caught by this.

Chapter 8

I wisdom am more valuable than silver, gold or jewels nothing compares to me.  I was before the creation of the world, I watched the foundation of the world be laid. Listen to me, for whoever finds me finds life. 

Chapter 9

Be careful trying to counsel a fool, but give instruction to a wise man. 

Fearing and knowing God and reverencing his views and opinions of life is the first step in becoming wise. 

Chapter 10

Righteousness produces life and happiness, evil produces pain. Don’t be lazy or you will go hungry,

The way of the Lord is destruction to those who do evil, but protection for the righteous.

Chapter 11

God hates false measurements.  There is safety when we get good advice from multiple people and safety when we remain steady in right living.  Evil will never go unpunished.

Chapter 12

A good wife is her husband’s greatest blessing and a wise man listens to advice. 

Our words will get us into trouble if they are not true, but truthful lips endure forever.

Chapter 13

The righteous will endure the wicked will be extinguished.  Poverty and destruction come to the one who does not listen to advice.

The sinners wealth is laid up for the righteous.

If we don’t discipline our children we show our disdain for them.

Chapter 14

Working is much better than talking… Treat the poor well,   Being generous to the poor is the same as making a loan to God.

Chapter 15

One soft answer ends an argument. 

Always remember the eyes of the Lord see all good and evil, the wicked way and even their thoughts are an abomination to God and he is far from them. 

Chapter 16

Live right before God and you will have less relational issues.  Walk humbly and you will be kept from falling.  Not every path we think is right is.

Chapter 17

God tests our hearts as gold is tested in the fire.

When we cover another’s faults we show them love but sharing faults divides people. 

It is nearly impossible to separate a fool from his folly.

Chapter 18

If you have a wife you are blessed by God, there is no friend like Jesus!

Chapter 19

Some people are your friends because of your money, some are not your friend for your lack of money.  Both of these are a disgrace.

Chapter 20

Don’t be deceived by the danger and destructive nature of alcohol. 

Chapter 21

God controls the hearts of Kings. 

The surest way to remain poor is to love pleasure more than work.

Chapter 22

Your good name is better than a good bank account.  Fear the Lord and you will have plenty.   Be diligent in your work and it will take you to the top.

 Chapter 23

Who is it that has lots of trouble?  Those who drink too much alcohol.   The end of it bites like a serpent. 

 Chapter 24

Don’t envy evil people.  For they are devising trouble and their glory doesn’t last.  Wisdom is how you will prosper. 

It’s the subtle temptation and bent to laziness that causes your business to go under. 

 Chapter 25

Don’t wear out your welcome at another’s house, If your enemy needs something give them whatever they need, you will heap coals of fire on him and be honored by God

 Chapter 26

People who don’t listen to wisdom are fools and they will fail, suffer, are untrustworthy,  deserve no honor and keep returning to their folly.

 Chapter 27

Don’t brag about tomorrow,  neither brag about yourself.  Let others praise you.  As iron sharpens iron so good strong relationships sharpen people. 

 Chapter 28

Wicked people live with fear and a guilty conscience.  Obeying God’s law opens up the ears of God to our prayers. 

If we confess and forsake our sins we will receive mercy from the Lord.

 Chapter 29

Don’t leave your kids to raise themselves or make their own decisions about things they have no knowledge.  If we don’t seek and get a word from God we will perish. 

 Chapter 30 Proverbs of Agur

Every one of God’s words are true!  

 Chapter 31

Proverbs of Lemuel

An excellent wife is extremely valuable! She is industrious and speaks wisdom and when her kids grow up they call her blessed.  Beauty and charm will soon be gone but a godly women will receive praise forever. 

The unauthorized, condensed version of Proverbs.  Pastor Troy D. Keaton 2013 

Tebow’s Sin (A pastor’s non-theological assessment of Tim Tebow’s football career)

I’m sure you’ve heard, Tim Tebow signed with the New England Patriots this morning.  Many thought his NFL career was over.  (It might be, reports are that he has a 2 year contract with no guaranteed money.)

He at least has a new set of gear with an NFL logo on it.  He will get a jersey, a number and even a chance to play again in the NFL, this time with the storied Patriots.

Some thought he was done.  Many more wish he would be.  There is immense dislike for Tim Tebow in the sports world.

Tebow has had a huge media image and has drawn criticism and disgust from just about every area of our culture.  Entertainers such as Bill Maher, Hulk Hogan and Saturday Night Live have all expressed dislike for the Christian QB from Florida.

Certainly the media has shown their dislike for him.  ESPN analyst Merril Hoge went on a rant about Tim Tebow last year, saying that he’s “as phony as a three-dollar bill” and that the New York Jets didn’t realize “how bad Tim Tebow was” when they traded for him.

Mike Garafalo wrote this week in USA Today “Tebow brought his baggage to the Jets last year and, he was nothing more than a distraction”

This morning Clark Judge of wrote in response to New England’s new player, “Belichick’s recent history of roster moves is … well, let’s just say it’s checkered, and that’s being kind.” His article concluded, “And what it says is: Buyer, beware.”

While constantly hearing this even in Tebow’s days of success,  one is forced to ask, what is Tim Tebow’s sin?  What is it that makes him such an awful addition to a football team?  Why is he so sneered at by the media?

Here are the facts from those who’ve seen him up close and personal.  He is an extremely hard worker.  He is a man of character.  He comes early and stays late.  He has never cussed out a coach.  He has never tried to show up his team-mates.  He doesn’t speak ill of those who do of him.  He is a very positive influence in the locker room.  He is an incredible athlete.  And yet for all of that most of the sports world’s elite want him to go away.  There is even a FACEBOOK page titled, “God, Please make Tim Tebow go away and never come back”

Why? What is Tebow’s sin?  The NFL regularly has players arrested for drugs, DUI, domestic violence and violent crimes.  Many of which suffer menial consequences from the league and even less from the media.

Donte Stallworth KILLED someone and was only suspended from the NFL for a year, Ray Lewis was an accessory to murder and Randy Moss ran over a traffic cop with his car.

From 1989 -2009 there were 1078 arrests, 102 drug traffickers,  32 wife beaters and    ___ murders (they didn’t have this statistic) amongst NFL players.

We don’t have room to list all the bad attitudes, bad teammates, out of control egos and terrible parents that litter NFL sidelines every weekend.    Very few of these have ever been as demonized as Tebow.

So what it is Tebow’s Sin?  I think he has committed at least two.

The first sin Tebow committed was by having poor football mechanics.   In spite of winning when he has played, he throws the ball with an awkward non-traditional mechanic.  In spite of his wins this is a legit gripe against him.

Tebow’s second sin is even greater than the first,  it is that he has fewer sins than others.  Yep, that’s right he’s too nice, he’s too good, he prays, he talks about Jesus and his faith, he helps sick children and he gives lots of money to orphanages overseas.  This is more than the cynical, sinful world can stand.  He can’t be this good!

So the circus now moves to Boston.  Let’s see if the sinner repents.

Tim Tebow will score in next year’s Super Bowl (and nine more predictions)