Problem or Providence?

There is a phrase that we all have heard or used that describes an individual who suffers ill consequences because of factors that were out of their control.  Such a person is described to be a “victim of circumstance”.  

When we look at the Christmas story it could said that the events around the birth of Jesus made Joseph and Mary just that, a victim of circumstances.

The events surrounding the birth of Jesus seem so unfortunate.  The opening lines of Luke 2 reveal the power that was held in the hand of the Roman Emperor that resulted in one of those hard, inconvenient things in this young couples life.   

In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered,

Ceasar Augustus was the Roman emperor who had demanded the title of supreme ruler.  The nephew of Julias Ceasar, he had arranged for the Roman Senate to give him the title Augustus, which means “exalted” and “sacred.” No other leader had carried this name.  Under his leadership Rome wasn’t any longer a republic, governed by laws; it was an empire governed by an emperor.  He was the the first Emperor of Rome who held absolute power.  

He was not a follower of God and was mostly concerned about assembling power and authority over the world. 

This registration was not merely a census for counting people but a means whereby Ceasar could tax them.  

It was inconvenient, costly, and executed from a heart of selfish and evil motives.  And Joseph and Mary were caught up in it, seemingly a victim of circumstances.  

But, one greater than Ceasar was actually in charge.  God almighty was using Ceasar to accomplish HIS plan, to raise up an even greater Savior and to do something in the world that would produce hope and salvation for the world.  

What looked liked a PROBLEM to Mary and Joseph was actually the PROVIDENCE of God.   

I love what David Guzik says about the providence of God in this story.  

As he sat in his palace and made his decree, he thought it was the supreme exercise of his will, the ultimate flexing of his muscle. But he was just a tool in God’s hand. God had promised that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), and that promised would be fulfilled. So how does one get a young couple from Nazareth down to Bethlehem when they might not be inclined to travel? Simple. Just work through the political “savior of the world,” and use him as a pawn in your plan.

For those who walk with the Lord, there is no evil plan of the enemy that invades our life that God cannot redeem and use for His glory and our good.  

This morning you may feel the burden of a serious issue in your life. The enemy may have made a decree against you and you are struggling under the weight of it.  I have good news, For those who trust in the Lord, the providence of God is at work even in the works of “Ceasar”. Mary teaches us that,  What is happening TO you is not nearly as important as what is happening IN you. 

When God is in control of our lives the grace of God redeems the edicts of the enemy and turns what Satan means for evil into something good in us. 

Because of God’s providence, Mary and Joseph and every believer are never left to the vicious whims of the enemy.  In hard times we can trust that we are being led, even through difficulty, to the fulfillment of God’s grand purpose in our life!  Praise God!



About Pastor Troy Keaton

Founding pastor at EastLake Community Church at Smith Mountain Lake Virginia. View all posts by Pastor Troy Keaton

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